Growing plants in dry shade can be a problem.
The Spotted Dead Nettle (Lamium maculatum) thrives In the dry shade of our old French Lilac.
I moved the dead nettle two or three years ago.
They are starting to fill in and provide bright leaf and flower color.
Thirty cultivars provide a diverse plant list to choose
from. Among Glories of Snow and Grape
Hyacinths (above), 'Purple Dragon' on the left shows a lot of silvery leaf. 'Elizabeth De Haas' to the right has a silver
stripe. The flowers are almost
Lamium 'White
Nancy' differs only in flower color.
This yellow-leaved cultivar was a pass-a-long from a
friend. I don’t know its name but it
could be ‘Aureum’. It has yellow leaves with a white stripe. No flowers yet.
Lamium maculatum is
rabbit and deer resistant. I haven’t noticed
any damage from slugs or chewing insects.
They are easy to hoe out if they spread too far.
Simple to maintain and brightly marked, dead nettle is a good
plant for the dry shade where not much will grow without constant watering.