I bought six “Lupine Russell Hybrid Red Shades” from Bluestone Perennials in 2005. At the time, I read that they are a short-lived plant. I had tried them a few years back. They bloomed once and then disappeared.
But, I fell in love with the spectacular bloom and decided they may like the hot, sunny place along the garage wall.
I bought six “Lupine Russell Hybrid Red Shades” from Bluestone Perennials in 2005. At the time, I read that they are a short-lived plant. I had tried them a few years back. They bloomed once and then disappeared.
But, I fell in love with the spectacular bloom and decided they may like the hot, sunny place along the garage wall.
So I ordered and planted the Lupine, mixing peat moss into the planting hole. I’ve added peat moss to the soil several times. They also have a good layer of mulch. The Cannas planted between the Lupine may give them enough shade to withstand the summer heat. 
I’ll deadhead as the flowers fade, turn on the soaker hose when the soil gets dry. If I remember, I’ll add a little peat moss to the soil.
They are said to be deer resistant. You folks that have deer problems may want to try them in your sun garden.
This year they started blooming around May 10 and are still going strong – 3 feet tall and more spectacular than ever.

I’ll deadhead as the flowers fade, turn on the soaker hose when the soil gets dry. If I remember, I’ll add a little peat moss to the soil.
They are said to be deer resistant. You folks that have deer problems may want to try them in your sun garden.
This year they started blooming around May 10 and are still going strong – 3 feet tall and more spectacular than ever.
I’m hoping they have a long and happy life in my garden.
I lOVE lupines, but have only enjoyed them in other people's gardens. They sounded "hard" to grow. Once we are done with this move, I will give them a try. Yours look fabulous.
Sounds like they would go well with Canna, which also like it wet. Do you dig up your Cannas every year? Will you mulch the lupines heavily this winter?
I lost all my Guaras last winter. The first year, I mulched them heavily with vegetation I cut back in fall, then cleared it in the spring to find all five plants sprouting. But late winter I forgot to mulch them and they all died. I wonder if the lupines would like to be covered up for the winter.
Hi Matriarchy - Good to hear from you. I hope all is well.
I do dig up the Cannas in the fall and mulch this bed. The location, next to the garage foundation on the west side, also keeps them warmer I think.
Lupines are a bit "fussy". The lupine planted in a more open, sunny spot in my garden years ago didn't make it.
Sorry to hear about your Guaras. They are another striking plant. A bit "fussy" too?
Planted my first lupine this spring; Morello Cherry Lupine. Didn't realize they were fussy plants. Mine is in "part sun", so we'll see how it does.
Hi Donna,
Since my first attempt at growing Lupine was a failure, I'll be interested to hear how they work out for you.
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