My garden is in the tweens – between the end of the rhododendrons and the beginning of the roses. But there are some colorful flowers this month.
The allium (Giant Persian Blue) blooms have quadrupled in number from the five bulbs I planted seven years ago.
The allium (Giant Persian Blue) blooms have quadrupled in number from the five bulbs I planted seven years ago.

Lupine (Russell Hybrid) enjoys a warm spot along a blank wall.

The deep pink rhody and white iris are one of the last of their type to bloom.

A single rose on the arbor holds the promise of more to come.

Bloom day is hosted every month by Carol at May Dreams Gardens. Click on the links to garden blooms around the world. You can also enjoy Carol’s work with a garden designer and watch her vegetable garden evolve on her award-winning blog. Thank you Carol.
You have posted awesome picture of flowers. Flowers bring so much joy to those who have the time enjoy them.
I love those giant purple blooms! And if you've got to be at an "in between" phase, what a great place to be, between rhododendrons and roses!
I love the allium,too. The blooms last 3 to 4 weeks. And the "tweens" aren't bad either. LOL
We're at that in-between stage, too, here in northern VA. Rhodies are finished but roses haven't yet started (at least not here in my own garden). I keep forgetting to plant the giant alliums and I am going to be certain to do it this fall. I love them! And your rose bush climbing on the arbor is going to be gorgeous. I used to live in Bethlehem, when I was in 'middle school' in the '70's. I went to East Hills Jr. High, although not sure if it's still there?! I think most of the kids went on to Freedom HS from there. I also remember Liberty as another HS. Anyway, happy bloom day;-)
Hi Jan,
Your garden is full of tween blooms. I enjoyed seeing every one. East Hills is still here as well as Freedom and Liberty High Schools. Bethlehem has grown quite a bit since the 70's. We have theater, music, festivals, great restaurants and a quaint Main Street district. It's a great place to live.
I never got around to doing a GBBD post. First time I've missed since Feb. '09. Oh, well....the world of gardening will survive without me. lol
I kind of like the idea of a single rose blooming just in time for GBBD.
Your lupine is lovely. I've been wanting a white one but have been unable to find one, so I added another pink one. Mine don't look as good as yours.
Hope my allium multiply like yours.
I am so happy with the lupine. I have three. The third one is just now opening. I don't know why it is so much later than the other two. But it prolongs bloom time which is OK with me.
Oh! Those flowers caught my attention. It seems you have a great flower gardens. How I wish I could have a cool garden like yours. Keep it up!
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