The fern got a shower.
The variegated ivy got a trim. (It’s friend looks a little aslant.)
This was the scene from the window the other morning.
So, I continued to tend to the houseplants.
So, I continued to tend to the houseplants.

The fern got a shower.
The variegated ivy got a trim. (It’s friend looks a little aslant.)

I watched Mr. Green Thumb e-How video about variegated ivy. (Stan DeFreitas, also known as Mr. Green Thumb, has experience as an urban horticulturist working for the Pinellas County Extension Service and has taught horticulture at the St. Petersburg College.)
I’ve got to get out more.
Remember Mr. Green Jeans from the Captain Kangaroo tv show?
Your house plants look very healthy. I guess a shower and a trim does the trick.
I DO remember Mr. Green Jeans and Captain Kangaroo. LOL
I love the wall hanger you put your plants on. It makes the ivy look really good.
Marie, I think, since it's cold and snowy, you have time to read a good gardening book. So, come over and get your book! You are a winner of my book giveaway! Congratulations! I know, it's not a million dollars that we all would like to win, but anyway, you got it! Leave your mailing address, please, in a comment on my blog (it won't be published).
How wonderful! I'm looking forward to reading it. Thank you so much!
i really love ivy .it look very beautiful when hanged on the wall
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