January 18, 2010

January 28, 2010 (2 plus inches)

February 1, 2010 (about 11 inches)

February 7, 2010 (20 inches)

February 16, 2010 – (19 days to the jackpot at 24 inches)

(This plant missed Garden Bloggers Bloom Day but you can see other beautiful blooms (and more amaryllis) at May Dreams Gardens. Thanks to Carol for hosting this fun event on the 15th of every month.)

(This plant missed Garden Bloggers Bloom Day but you can see other beautiful blooms (and more amaryllis) at May Dreams Gardens. Thanks to Carol for hosting this fun event on the 15th of every month.)
Better to have a bloom be two days late (for GBBD) than to never make an appearance.
It's amazing how quickly they grow. I had to smile as the sequence of photos.
I'm way behind in reading my favorite blogs as you've probably guessed.
Great to hear from you, Donna.
I couldn't resist the urge to document the amaryllis growth. I have 4 more without blooms. I'm trying to figure out why they didn't bloom. All plants are treated the same. Any ideas?
My best guess as to why the 4 amaryllis aren't blooming is that they're just plain stubborn!
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