Saturday, March 27, 2010

Monocacy Creek

As I walked along the Monocacy Creek this week I was reminded how lucky we are to have a beautiful creek run through the center of town.

Johnston Park a “nature preserve is located in a former 18th-century industrial region and is a popular spot for taking a break from the city and enjoying restored natural vistas.”

The dam is soon to be removed to reduce the chance of flooding.

Local mallard residents.

Along Lehigh Avenue with new Moravian College dormitories in the background.

Trout fishing begins April 3.
More information about the Monocacy as well as maps and guides can be found at the Monocacy Creek Watershed Association website.


Morning Glories in Round Rock said...

What a beautiful creek. I can see that the willow trees are greening up. Doesn't Spring seem like a magical time of year as it wakes from winter slumbers?

Marie said...

It is a magical time. There are more flowers and shades of green every day. The magnolias and flowering cherries have joined the yellow-green of the willows.

donna said...

One of the first things I noticed was the greening of the willow trees. I luv them for that reason, so early to green up. And I like how in some places the water is calm and in others places it's rushing.


Marie said...

The creek was lined with fishermen/women young and old this weekend. The weather was glorious.
My world is getting greener by the minute.