There’s a certain amount of creativity involved in gardening. I think that’s what makes the work so enticing.
I started the new garden last September to hide the AC unit. The Pieres Japonica ‘Mountain Fire’ is performing as advertised with bright red new growth. The hostas I separated and moved at the beginning of the month have taken hold. Even the tiny, almost dead azalea has a few new green leaves.
I want to add – an evergreen Daphne for spring fragrance and two mums for fall color.
We got a truckload of mulch last week and it was time to finish the garden.
I reset the path so it is somewhat level. I have paths in the garden so I don’t walk on it and compact the soil. In spring, I'm glad I have paths to work from.
I started the new garden last September to hide the AC unit. The Pieres Japonica ‘Mountain Fire’ is performing as advertised with bright red new growth. The hostas I separated and moved at the beginning of the month have taken hold. Even the tiny, almost dead azalea has a few new green leaves.
I want to add – an evergreen Daphne for spring fragrance and two mums for fall color.
We got a truckload of mulch last week and it was time to finish the garden.
I reset the path so it is somewhat level. I have paths in the garden so I don’t walk on it and compact the soil. In spring, I'm glad I have paths to work from.

I make the paths out of anything I can get cheaply (free) – leftover flagstone from my neighbors pond, pavers from an old patio, bricks and slate from a contractor friend or handmade circles from an old bag of Quickrete.
A layer of mulch and I was done.

It may not be a masterpiece but it is satisfying to create a new garden.

It's looking good, Marie. Ooooo! A truck load of mulch. A lot of work, but so worth it.
I haven't done much mulch spreading so far, except for the AC garden. Too many weeds to pull while the ground is still moist. That wonderful truckload waits in the driveway.
Marie, you're way too ambitious. I put the mulch over the weeds hoping some of them will not survive (DIE) and then pull the ones that make their way through the mulch. I really admire the hard work you put into making the walking paths. You must have a strong, healthy back. Your 'Mountain Fire' looks to be on fire. Luv it.
I too put the mulch over the weeds in some places. I actually have more reseeding annuals than weeds. I'll pull some, hoe some and cover some. I'm way behind with mulching this year. I like to get the mulch down in late March or early April. I guess we all have to match gardening to the time available - one garen at a time.
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