I’ve been busy helping my mom through some rough times so I haven't had much time in the garden. I managed to get out in the other day and snap some pictures and make a plan.
The small variegated hosta (above) needs to be divided now before it gets any bigger. I’ll cut it in four pieces and plant 3 pieces in the new garden and put a small piece back in the same spot. I know it will take a hatchet or a small saw to divide it.
Liriope, planted quite a few years ago, needs to be divided. Can you believe the size of it? I’ll plant several small pieces along the garden edge. The extras will be given away or composted. Tool of choice will be a hatchet or saw. This is one tough little plant.
The small variegated hosta (above) needs to be divided now before it gets any bigger. I’ll cut it in four pieces and plant 3 pieces in the new garden and put a small piece back in the same spot. I know it will take a hatchet or a small saw to divide it.
Liriope, planted quite a few years ago, needs to be divided. Can you believe the size of it? I’ll plant several small pieces along the garden edge. The extras will be given away or composted. Tool of choice will be a hatchet or saw. This is one tough little plant.

This Brunnera, perennial forget-me-not, re-seeds - even though I deadhead after blooming. It makes pretty sea of blue flowers in spring but they are taking over the area.

The Red Hot Poker, planted near compost bin (temporarily) many years ago, is in the shade and doesn’t bloom. I’ll be delighted to pot it for a friend.

I had a request from a friend for a piece of this tansy two years ago. I will finally get around to it this year.

Another friend requested a bit of the Sheffield Pink mum. It is creeping out of its boundary. Over the years, it has become shaded by a dogwood so I’ll move some to a sunny spot in my garden too.

This little pink ruffled azalea is barely visible behind the daffodils where I put it (temporarily) several years ago. It will also move to the new garden.

I divided a tall (6’) yellow coneflower Rudbeckia nitida 'Herbstsonne' and put some in another temporary spot in the garden. I’d be willing to share some if I can find a taker. I also have yellow (not Stella) and double orange daylilies that I potted in fall and looking for a home.
So now that I have a plan. I need to get out in the garden and dig. Hopefully, I’ll be able to conquer this part of my garden in the next two weeks.
I am sorry to hear about your mother. I hope that she is doing much better.
All your garden plans sound wonderful. This time of year is so exciting with the garden holding so much promise.
Thanks MG,
Mom is doing better. We are taking it one day at a time.
Spring is an exciting time in the garden. Tomorrow I'll start digging!
Marie, your plans are making me tired. My plans never seem to move from the planning stage. I'm all talk and little action.
Hope all will be okay with your mother. I worry every day about my parents.
I'm proud of myself this year. Everything is moved and/or divided except the liriope. I got a start on that the other day but then it started to rain. I should be able to finish next week before the load of mulch is delivered. Oh my!
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