Crocuses that looked so pretty a week ago have slammed shut.
The biting March wind is both a blessing and a curse. It helps dry the soggy ground. It turns dry leaves into wild whirligigs.
I managed to capture some leaves from under the shrubs in my garden tote this week. I dumped them in leaf pile next to the compost bin and weighed it down. During the summer the leaves will be added to the greens in the bin.

I used my little plastic rake to get under bushed and in corners, but -


no amount of wind will blow the leaves out of the azaleas. They had to be picked out by hand - one by one.

Marie, does you blog have a new look? It looks different and I like it a lot. Please don't tell me that's nothing changed because then I'll start to worry about myself. ha-ha
The crocus photo is out of this world beautiful. The color is amazing.
I hate that job of pulling leaves out of the bushes one by one, but sometimes that the only way to get the job done.
Don't worry - you are not dreaming. I changed the look of the blog. Glad you like it. Thanks for noticing.
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