Late spring as in - late.
It seems to be taking forever to be spring this year.
Low temperatures, dipping to the 30’s at night, have slowed spring (and this gardener) considerably. I compared plants this year with some pictures from April 4, 2010.
Lilac 2011 – barely showing any color in tiny buds.

Lilac 2010 – opening nicely.

Hyacinths 2011 – struggle against the cold.

Hyacinths 2010 – in fragrant glory

Brunnera (Forget-me-not) 2011 – plants just visible.

Brunera 2010 – starting their blue profusion.

The forecast for the next week is considerably warmer. That should rock me out of my cold-induced stupor.
I enjoyed seeing these photos... 2010 vs 2011. We are also having very cool/wet spring weather and everything is far behind. If I wasn't so lazy, I could do a blog post like the one you've done here. Interesting to compare the years.
All the plants are finally catching up to the season hear in eastern PA. Dogwoods and Redbuds are putting on quite a show.
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