July is the reward for the work of April, May and June. Hot days make gardening slow work. I tend to follow the shade around the garden. It’s a time when I really appreciate the reliable perennials.
The tall lilies ‘American Dream’ (at top) purchased in 2003 from White Flower Farm bloom every year and only require dead heading. They will be cut to the ground after the first hard frost.
Lavender ‘Grosso’ is planted close to a path. It releases its pungent scent as you bursh against it. It gets cut back once in a while when I get around to it. It’s been there for 7 years.

Crocosmia ‘Lucifer’ planted in 2005 sends up its red blooms every year without much fuss – unlike its canna bed-mates that need to be dug up every fall and replanted in spring.

Sweet smelling alyssum and snapdragons self sow in the same area every year. The liatris (Liatris spicata 'Purple Spikes’) is beginning to bloom and only requires deadheading. It has been divided and added to other parts of the garden since 2001.

What are your reliable favorites?
Reliables are cleome, alyssum, nicotiana, calendula, mexican zinnia, rudbeckia, and cosmos all reseed themselves every year. I have learned that mulching their areas and digging up nearby bulbs in the spring can prevent them from sprouting in April.
I like your beautiful flower garden. My favorite is the first photo of a lily flower.
Lisa from Beginner Free Guitar Lessons
Cleome and cosmos reseed reliably. I also love, love, love my balloon flower--it blooms for the entire month of July. Threadleaf and Moonbeam coreopsis are great as well. The woodchucks don't like them!
Thanks Swimray, Lisa and K for adding your favorites to the list.
You have mentioned more of my favorites, too. The self-sowers Sweet Alyssum, Cosmos and Cleome are at the top of my list of annuals.
Perennial Moonbeam does it's thing year after year with a long bloom time. And nothing eats it!
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