I’ve always thought a best reward for growing your own flower garden is creating a satisfying design. Creating is the key word here - something truly unique and your own. I think that’s why gardeners stroll throug
h the garden with a cup of coffee, place a bench in a shady spot or stare at plants.
I’ve always thought a best reward for growing your own flower garden is creating a satisfying design. Creating is the key word here - something truly unique and your own. I think that’s why gardeners stroll throug

I’m not a garden designer but I design my own garden. I’ve visited many gardens and I recognize the uniqueness and beauty in each gardener’s design.
One effect that I like, I stumbled on by accident. Black-eyed Susan is a showy plant that spreads and re-seeds. It takes almost no care. It seems to thrive in any soil. The birds, butterflies, and bees love it. It blooms all summer in a bright, happy yellow.

As I filled in the garden over the years, it was easy to divide and move some of the Black-eyed Susan to bare areas.

I’ve come to love to walk through the garden to be greeted by the flowers around almost every corner – a unifying theme all its own.
What designs have you come to love you your garden?
One effect that I like, I stumbled on by accident. Black-eyed Susan is a showy plant that spreads and re-seeds. It takes almost no care. It seems to thrive in any soil. The birds, butterflies, and bees love it. It blooms all summer in a bright, happy yellow.

As I filled in the garden over the years, it was easy to divide and move some of the Black-eyed Susan to bare areas.

I’ve come to love to walk through the garden to be greeted by the flowers around almost every corner – a unifying theme all its own.
What designs have you come to love you your garden?
I, like you, find Black-eyed Susans hard to beat! I started off with two tiny plants and now have them in all corners of my garden and give them away to anyone willing to take some. I must confess, I feel like they are my children, and have been hesitant to give them away to some that I didn't think would water them or care for them. ;-)
My other mainstay is rosemary. It does so well in my sometimes harsh climate of zone 8b. Really, all the herbs that I can afford, are so reliable as well as morning glories.
Hi... What i reallly love right now in my garden is my chrysanthemum clara curtis (pink flowers)a.k.a. country girl. They have so many blooms from spring til today. The deadheading can be a lot of work, but i don't mind. I like spending time with it....
A neighbor of mine offered black eyed susan. I might wait til next year until i find room for it.
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