If you like garden mums, the hardy Sheffield Pink (AKA Chrysanthemum koreanum ‘Single Apricot’) is hard to beat. It’s one of my favorites.

It is a reliable and showy bloomer here in zone 6. It may flop but given enough room in the garden,it puts on a tremendous show. I pinch it back until the end of June. Once it is established, it requires very little care. I’ll cut it back to the ground after a hard frost and leave the stems on top of the plant until spring.
Resting on the Japanese Laurel (Aucuba japonica) at The Miller's House Garden in Bethlehem, it is full and bright after only a few years. It’s planted in full sun but will also bloom in some shade.

Fine Gardening Magazine’s article “Not Your Average Mum” calls it a “workhorse perennial that performs year after year.”