This year I decided to plant vegetables in the flower bed and in containers. (See February 4 post “Planning for Vegetables” and May 13 “Seed Challenge”)
I only wanted to grow as many vegetables as we could eat this summer – no canning, no freezing, maybe a little for friends. Most of the seeds were in the ground on May 9. The pepper plants and tomato were planted a week later.
I only wanted to grow as many vegetables as we could eat this summer – no canning, no freezing, maybe a little for friends. Most of the seeds were in the ground on May 9. The pepper plants and tomato were planted a week later.

Oregano, basil, parsley, and lettuce grow in the fish boxes. I’ll have fresh lettuce this week. The herbs will take a little longer.

Oregano, basil, parsley, and lettuce grow in the fish boxes. I’ll have fresh lettuce this week. The herbs will take a little longer.

The peppers and squash (Yellow Bush Scallop) are planted in a “rabbit cage”. Rabbit cage is DH’s name for my metal fence post/plastic fence. I keep telling him it’s to keep the rabbits OUT not IN. And it’s working very well, thank you.

Radishes and carrots are up around the lilies in the Oriental Garden. The radishes are almost ready to pick.

I’ve planted containers with pole beans and bush cucumbers the past two years. They do pretty well. Watering becomes a problem in the summer. This year I bought “Precision Drip Spikes” to help keep the soil from drying out. (You know those things with an upsidedown liter soda bottle sticking up in the pot.) Not very attractive but, if I can stand looking at “rabbit cages”, I guess I can put up with soda bottles sticking out of pots.

I’ve planted containers with pole beans and bush cucumbers the past two years. They do pretty well. Watering becomes a problem in the summer. This year I bought “Precision Drip Spikes” to help keep the soil from drying out. (You know those things with an upsidedown liter soda bottle sticking up in the pot.) Not very attractive but, if I can stand looking at “rabbit cages”, I guess I can put up with soda bottles sticking out of pots.

So, my “Vegetable Experiment” is underway. I’ve been fertilizing with fish emulsion once a week. I’ve used compost and compost tea on the vegetables that are planted in the ground.
So far everything looks good. (Click on the pictures for a larger view.)