
Roadside Daylily (Hemerocallis fulva) came with the house. It spreads. I dug most of it out and left two clumps near fence posts.

This unnamed deep orange lily adds a pop of color to a sea of green. It was purchased as tuberose. It’s obviously not that.

Hemerocallis ‘Stella de Oro’ daylily – common, everblooming, reliable. It was planted to hide the spent foliage of the daffodils. One plant is now three.

Calendula (Calendula officinalis), another gift from a friend, has been reseeding in this spot for many years. My grandmother grew them. I think of both of them when I see the yellow flowers.

Coreopsis, sold as ‘Moonbeam’, may or may not be ‘Moonbeam’ depending on who you ask. Every year it gets wider and wider. Since 1998, I’ve divided it with an axe, given it away, planted it around the garden and composted it.

Crane’s Bill Hardy Geranium ‘Splish Splash’. I’ll dead head with a hedge shears when it’s finished blooming to minimize reseeding. I have several clumps from the original plant. It doesn’t help to tell it “stay”.

Nicotiana ‘Fragrant Cloud’ has been making an appearance every year since originally planted in 2004. I’ve never gone out in the garden at night to check its scent.

Coral Bells Heuchera villosa 'Tiramisu' PPAF - the first Heuchera to bloom in my garden. It’s a new plant in its third year that I bought on a trip to a garden center with good friends.
Chrysanthemum 'Clara Curtis' - Garden Mum blooms all summer. I’ve shared many pieces of this early blooming mum.

Anthony Waterer spirea - an original shrub. I’ll trim it back when it’s finished blooming and it will re-bloom later in the summer – another reliable old friend and one of my husband’s favorites.

I hope you enjoyed the tour of my garden as much as I did.
Many thanks to Carol at May Dreams Garden for hosting Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day every month. It makes me stop and actually look at what is blooming in my garden. Check out other garden blogger’s blooms at Carol’s blog. It should be an exciting month.
As I walked around the garden clicking, collecting photos, I remembered a little of my garden’s history. I’m in the garden every day but I guess I usually don’t take the time to have a really good look. Bloom day changes that. Every plant has a story.
The Heavenly Angels Poppies are now in full bloom. Yesterday I called the friend who gave them to me to thank her for her spectacular gift of seeds. She didn’t answer. I'll try again. Maybe she’ll read this blog.
The Heavenly Angels Poppies are now in full bloom. Yesterday I called the friend who gave them to me to thank her for her spectacular gift of seeds. She didn’t answer. I'll try again. Maybe she’ll read this blog.

Roadside Daylily (Hemerocallis fulva) came with the house. It spreads. I dug most of it out and left two clumps near fence posts.

This unnamed deep orange lily adds a pop of color to a sea of green. It was purchased as tuberose. It’s obviously not that.

Hemerocallis ‘Stella de Oro’ daylily – common, everblooming, reliable. It was planted to hide the spent foliage of the daffodils. One plant is now three.

Calendula (Calendula officinalis), another gift from a friend, has been reseeding in this spot for many years. My grandmother grew them. I think of both of them when I see the yellow flowers.

Coreopsis, sold as ‘Moonbeam’, may or may not be ‘Moonbeam’ depending on who you ask. Every year it gets wider and wider. Since 1998, I’ve divided it with an axe, given it away, planted it around the garden and composted it.

Crane’s Bill Hardy Geranium ‘Splish Splash’. I’ll dead head with a hedge shears when it’s finished blooming to minimize reseeding. I have several clumps from the original plant. It doesn’t help to tell it “stay”.

Nicotiana ‘Fragrant Cloud’ has been making an appearance every year since originally planted in 2004. I’ve never gone out in the garden at night to check its scent.

Coral Bells Heuchera villosa 'Tiramisu' PPAF - the first Heuchera to bloom in my garden. It’s a new plant in its third year that I bought on a trip to a garden center with good friends.

Chrysanthemum 'Clara Curtis' - Garden Mum blooms all summer. I’ve shared many pieces of this early blooming mum.

Anthony Waterer spirea - an original shrub. I’ll trim it back when it’s finished blooming and it will re-bloom later in the summer – another reliable old friend and one of my husband’s favorites.

I hope you enjoyed the tour of my garden as much as I did.
Many thanks to Carol at May Dreams Garden for hosting Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day every month. It makes me stop and actually look at what is blooming in my garden. Check out other garden blogger’s blooms at Carol’s blog. It should be an exciting month.
Oh how I enjoyed walking thru your garden such a nice peaceful feeling, that's what I love. I love the history behind your garden plants. And I enjoyed your nice slate walk with the ferns. Thanks for sharing your garden....
The poppies are SPECTACULAR! OMG. I *Love* those! LOVE.
Thank you for sharing your garden with us!
Thank you Peeoknee and Katie.
I'm so glad you stopped by to enjoy my garden with me.
Thanks so much for the tour! Great photo's and a great post. Happy GBBD!
Hi there, Marie! Your poppies are amazing. I love your coreopsis/heuchera/coleus ('Rustic Orange'?) combo too.
Do you think your mum may be 'Clara Curtis'? 'Single Apricot' (a.k.a. 'Sheffield Pink') usually doesn't bloom for me until October.
Happy Bloom Day!
I believe the coleus is rustic orange. I've been raising cuttings for so many years that I forget who is who.
You are correct! The mum in the picture is 'Clara Curtis'. I also have 'Sheffield Pink' so I sometimes get the names mixed up. Thank you so much for the correction.
I once gave you poppy seeds and I
see on my caller ID that you called
me while I was in the hospital, so
I'll put 2 and 2 together. I always
enjoy your blog. I had so many of
the plants you have and I'm
nostalgic for them all. I hope you
save the poppy seeds, I may ask
for some!
Great to hear from you. I certainly DO save poppy seeds. I learned from the best! Thank you.
The Coreopsis and coleus are a great combo! I tried growing 'Moonbeam' but it just didn't like it here in North Florida. 'Anthony' is looking pretty spiffy in pink. I didn't know those spireas would rebloom if you trimmed them.
Thank you Melody,
I use coleus a lot. The colors are so bright. And I don't have to wait for a bloom. :-)
The spirea is certainly a reliable old shrub. It's almost time for it's annual haircut.
Dear Marie, your garden is such a beauty these days, and my god, never saw poppies like these before, so beautiful!!!!
maria cecilia
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