I’m not really sure what this evergreen is. When I bought it around 1998, I was told it was a Golden Thread Cypress and that it might get 6 feet tall and 4 feet wide. I bought 3 at a great price from a wonderful, old landscape supplier. It is a beautiful gold evergreen, delicate and airy.

But if you plant it in the wrong place, you will have to trim it to keep it a manageable size.

Then you will be stuck with a large green lump.

(Lehigh County is offering a drop-off hazardous materials collection Saturday, September 25, 2010 between the hours of 8 am and 2 pm. - appointment required. More information here.).
I luv how you always find something interesting to post about and your sense of humor always comes through.
The Golden Thread Cypruss is new to me and very attractive....even in its big, green lump form. Do birds like to nest in it?
Thanks Donna,
I haven't seen any birds nests but there is a lot of squeeking and twitting and chirping from their general direction in the spring.
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