October has been a month to enjoy the garden. With rain, sunshine and mild temperatures, the garden has come back to life – the greens are greener and the colors are brighter. Annuals brighten the darkest spots. But mums are the big story this month.
Over the years I’ve added mums and some mums have appeared by magic. I really appreciate the colors in the fall.
Over the years I’ve added mums and some mums have appeared by magic. I really appreciate the colors in the fall.
Yellow mums

‘Sheffield Pink’mums

Orange mums

and yellow and pink mums

Aster ‘Purple Dome’ – the deep color is pretty despite the mildew problem.

White Japanese anemone - one of my favorites in the front garden

As always, ‘Don Juan’ on the arbor is the last rose of summer.

This tiny bloom on Daphne ‘Carol Macke’ reminds me of Horton’s Whos. Planted last year, it won’t be forgotten. I can almost hear the tiny, “I’m here, I’m here.”

Soon it will be time to put the garden to bed. Pennsylvania’s fall frost date here zone in 6 is usually between October 18 to November 2. I’ll enjoy it while it lasts.
Visit GBBD host Carol at May Dreams Gardens to connect with other bloggers and see what’s blooming in their gardens in October.
Your mums and asters are amazing but Don Juan is spectacular... I enjoyed my visit! L
Thanks LC. I'm enjoying my garden very much right now (before the big cleanup LOL).
Nice post, I agree, you can't really beat mums for reliable fall color...I have to find some of the Sheffield ones...I've been seeing them around and they are really lovely!
Thank you Scott.
'Sheffield Pink' is a great mum. I have it in shade, part shade and sun. It blooms everywhere. It may be a good addition to your shady garden.
Your October sounds warmer and sunnier than ours. We've had a few beautiful days, but more windy, rainy and cold.
Your garden is beautiful with all the Mums making a lovely show.
I've been promised some Sheffield Pink from a blog friend and can't wait to try it. We may not have a long enough season to see it bloom. It'll be interesting to find out.
Don Juan is glorious!
Thanks for visiting and saying hello :)
I hope you have success with the Sheffield Pink in your area. They are supposed to be hardy in zones 4-9.
After the dry, hot summer we had here, they seem to be drought tollerant too. They are fairly care free. I pinch them back until the end of June and cut off the dead stems and leave them over the plant after frost.
To me, that's a pretty care free plant. Definitely worth a try. I've had 3 more requests for divisions in spring.
Thanks for the comment. I enjoyed your bloom day posts - beautiful garden and countryside.
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