Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I was looking at some old photos and realized that around the middle of March last year I was pulling weeds. That’s just a little over two weeks away. I know February is a short month but it seems to have whizzed away.

The crocus is still snow covered but by March 16 last year, purple crocus was in full bloom in the back garden.

By March 14, 2008, the bunnies were already chewing on the new growth of tulips.

A load of mulch arrived by the end of March that year.

I have a lot to finish before I start the wicked weed battle.

But first it has to stop snowing.


Tatyana@MySecretGarden said...

The bunch of crocuses looks wonderful! As for weeding, I've been doing it all February. They are blooming already, especially shotweeds. I can'believe you still have snow coming! Although, we had a big snowfall last March...

Marie said...

Hi Tatyana,

Another 1 to 2 feet forcast for Thursday and Friday. Oh no!

donna said...

Luv the sight of purple crocus and yours are beautiful.

Those bunnies are hungry come spring/summer. They're so cute but I hate how they eat so much of what's in my garden.

And to the snow I say, "Melt, darn it, melt."


Marie said...

Donna, I love that crocus too. They are huge. I don't know the variety since they were planted before I started keeping a record in 1994!

The temperature here is to stay above freezing for the next 10 days. I'm beginning to see a little grass and dirt. I'll soon be making a fool out of myself chasing bunnies.