Saturday, March 22, 2008

Coffee in the Garden

I love to walk through the garden on a warm spring morning with a cup of coffee. I take stock of perennials and re-seeding annuals breaking though the soil. I notice weeds and re-seeders in the wrong place. I check bunny damage and make a mental note to use cayenne pepper. I also plan my next area of garden work. Mostly, I just enjoy the garden.

But, the best thing about morning coffee is the coffee grounds available to spread on the garden or into the compost bin.

I spread the grounds around the acid-loving plants such as rhododendron and hydrangea. I don’t bother to dig it in. I save that job for when I’m spreading mulch or working in that area of the garden. The thin layer of grounds won’t lower the pH much but they say the worms love it. It may also send slugs somewhere else.

For more about coffee grounds and the garden see Doug Green’s

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