We have a truckload of compost in our driveway. My family laughs at my delight at a pile of “dirt”. But it’s just what I needed to start a garden.

The air conditioner unit moved to a new location last spring. It gave me an excuse to put in garden to screen the big eyesore. In June, I found the Pieris japonica ‘Mountain Fire’ on sale. That was the start.

I tried not to get distracted.
I’m fooling around with some kind of stepping stone path. I’ve set up some old bricks but I’m not sure what the final path will be. It will be less noticeable when I cover the area with mulch.
Next spring the garden will be ready to plant. I’ll put in some evergreen shrubs, a hosta or two and maybe a mum and a few annuals. Then I’ll cover the area with mulch.
Next spring the garden will be ready to plant. I’ll put in some evergreen shrubs, a hosta or two and maybe a mum and a few annuals. Then I’ll cover the area with mulch.
It’s a simple way to start a new garden.

Wonderful - i get excited about mud like that too. Smells great and all that potential. I like the newspaper approach as well.
Thanks Frugilegus,
The winter freeze/thaw cycle here in zone 6 will help make this area into a garden. I'm anxious to start planting in spring.
Marie, did you hear me snort with laughter at the photo of you trying not to get distracted? I luv any blog post that makes me laugh. You are one ambitious lady.
Thanks Donna. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Hello Marie, what a great idea that of the newspaper, never saw it before... and about compost, I love it, it happens to me that I´m making lots of compost since 3 years now and it works so well as the only fertilizer to the soil. I laughed seeing you reading the newspaper, great picture of you!!!
muchos cariños
maría cecilia
Thank you Maria Cecilia. It's wonderful to have so much compost this year. I can never make enough for all the gardens. I'm glad your enjoyed my little joke picture.
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